Lunchboxes have been considered collectible for quite a while now, which makes them hard to come by at affordable prices. These are some of my favorites, displayed in my kitschen (dig the bamboo wallpaper on the ceiling!) using my husband’s ingenious oversized nails and speaker-wire technique. Of these, the Chan Clan wins the “couldn’t be made today” honors.
Allee Willis
Being a passionate lunchbox collector at one time I, thank God, have most of these. But I’ve never seen or heard of The Chan Clan, which I hope you will submit a separate photo of so we can see that particular one in all its glory.
How many of these have thermoses?
I totally appreciate the hanging method. I rigged something similar but use fish wire instead of speaker wire.
The bamboo wallpaper, on the ceiling no less, kills me. I love that you are using every inch of space to display your art.
Gilles Snowcat
The “Disco Fever” is great and makes me think that a combination with another kitsch “Debauched Disco Dancer!” would be perfect for a lunchbox.
Mark Blackwell
oh man, i really gotta visit you guys…
I collect these… I have a mint “Lancelot link secret chimp” I will post if asked. I need that bunch box. That’s a tough one.
Allee Willis
Absolutely. Bring on the chimp!