This is a Frosty the Sno-Man Sno-Cone maker. He was manufactured by Hasbro in 1974. There was an earlier version in the late 1960’s, but that Frosty had a pipe in his mouth which was deemed politically incorrect by the 1970’s. The idea is that you place ice cubes into the top of his hat, turn a crank located in back and the ice is shaved and ready to be packed into a cone (with the little shovel), then you add flavor from the little bottles. I tried it once and it’s a lot of work just to get one tiny, tiny little cone! No matter, he looks cool (pun intended). I once used him as a decoration on top of an ice cream cake.
Allee Willis
I not sure if I tried Frosty, his predecessor or someone who came after him in the 80s but I just remember this being so much work my arm was ready to fall off and I ended up with less than a bite. I don’t suppose it was made for adults though, though they’re always going to be some of them like me who are too lazy to get it together to really learn how to function in a kitchen and think that something like this may actually be of use.
I think I had this one!
I have the later Snoopy version, I never did like snow cones but I loved shoveling the “snow” with the little plastic shovel.