We all know the three wise monkeys, who neither see, nor hear, nor speak any evil. But did you know they had a fourth friend? It’s unclear whether he – and I think it’s safe to assume it’s a he – is playing with himself, or protecting himself from getting a kick in the crotch, perhaps for seeing, hearing or speaking evil. Could it be that he is the evil the others are avoiding? His jaunty smile suggests he finds himself to be the wisest of them all.
This lovely statuette is about five inches wide and three inches tall and is made of the finest plastics available in Hong Kong at the time of manufacture.
Allee Willis
Well, this is perfect Kitsch. For the fact that it’s the wise monkeys, that there are four of them, that the 3 is crossed out lest we don’t get the joke, that the one monkey is playing with or protecting his vital area, that it’s made out of Hong Kong plastic and that the lettering is gold and raised. I also really like that Speak No Evil looks more like he’s squeezing a pimple on his nose than covering any portion of his mouth. Excellence all the way around!
Mark Blackwell
i love that whoever made this had enough of a joke in mind that they bothered to make it…but then didn’t get the joke across at all… wait…is it supposed to be “speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil, f*** no evil”?
yes, allee, i like that the “speak no evil” one looks more like “smell no evil”…